Our Process

  • [Free] Consult for Services

    This is a brief and casual 10-15 minute telephone appointment where we will discuss treatment goals and establish compatibility. Basically, just get to know what you’d like to achieve through our interactions in order to make the most of our sessions, beginning with the intake appointment.

  • Intake Appointment

    This is our first treatment appointment, where we will spend 50 minutes discussing your history, any symptoms you’ve been experiencing, prescription options, therapy options, your preferences regarding either, and frequency of/need for follow-ups. This appointment is a private pay appointment and will be charged at our hourly rate.

  • Follow-Up Appointments

    Establishing a follow-up schedule will be part of your intake appointment and the frequency and duration of them will differ from patient to patient. Follow-up appointments for medication management are half-hour appointments and we will discuss side effects, dosage changes, or just refills if that’s all you need. Therapy sessions will be hourly sessions and based on our combined availability and the treatment plan.